Future Events

Room: Room 241 – Level 2
Date: Saturday 3 February 2024 at 14:00 to 15:30
Format: FOCUS SESSION > lectures covering a major topic of the congress


Dr. Marwan Nuwayhid / Gynecologist (Germany)

Dr. Pascale Saban Serfati / Gynecologist (France)

Lectures of the session

Hours Speakers
14:00 Laxity of the scrotal sack and its surgical management
14:12 Vulvovaginal stenosis: a new classification proposal and its treatment algorithm
14:24 Regenerative surgery of the genital area
14:36 An Algorithm for Labial Minora Reduction Based on a Review of Anotomical, Configurational, and Individual Considerations
14:48 Laxity of the Labia majora: anatomy and surgical assessment
15:00 Composite (3D) Labioplatsy – Utilizing the clitoral hood for reconstruction. Advantages & Disadvantages of this technique
15:12 Discussion and Q&A