Board of Directors from 2024:
President: Dr. Massimiliano Brambilla, Italy
Vice President: Dr. Sophie Menkes, Switzerland
Treasurer: Dr. Fernando Miguel Aznar Mañas, Spain
Press/Marketing: Dr. Pirkko Schuppan, Germany
Secretary: Dr. Katarina Andjelkov, Serbia
National Board:
Prof. Dr. Barbara Hersant (Coordiantor)
Scientific Board:
Dr. Alexander Hamers (Coordiantor)
Executive Board:
Dr. Massimiliano Brambilla, Dr. Sophie Menkes, Dr. Laurent Benadiba
Speciality Meeting Coordinator (Plastic Surgery, Dermatology, Gynecology): Dr. Nicolas Berreni
Board of Directors – Executive Committee (2018 – 2024)
President: Dr. Marwan Nuwayhid, Germany
Past Vice President: Dr. Gustavo Leibaschoff, USA
Past Treasurer: Dr. Refaat B. Karim, Netherlands
Past Clerk: Dr. Evgeni Leschunov , Russia
Past Secretary: Dr. Nicolas Berreni, France
Past Executive Boards Coordinator: Dr. Alexander Hamers, Germany
Secretary Office
Logi-Vent GmbH
Mr. Christian Hoop
Industriestr. 11
27211 Bassum
Tel.: +49 (0) 42 41 – 93 32 60